

唐曦,男,湖南衡阳人,1982年出生,博士,教授,硕士研究生导师,美国《Math Review》评论员。主持国家自然科学基金3项(数学天元,青年,地区),广西自然科学基金3项。









4.2018.052019.05美国Northeastern University访问学者

5.2011.05~至今 bwin必赢官方网站


1.Tang Xi, New Characterizations of dualizing modules, Communications in algebra, 2012, 40:845-861. (SCI收录)

2.Tang Xi, FP-injectivity relative to a semidualizing bimodule, Publicationes mathematicae debrecen, 2012, 80:311-326.(SCI收录)

3.Tang Xi, Strongly max-flat modules,Communications in algebra, 2013, 411060-1073. (SCI收录)

4.Tang Xi, Some applications of Cohen-Macaulay injective dimension, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2014, 43:777-785. (SCI收录)

5.Tang Xi, On F-Gorenstein dimensions, Journal of algebra and its applications, 2014, 131450022. (SCI收录)

6.Tang Xi, Huang Zhao Yong, Homological aspects of the dual Auslander transpose, Forum Mathematicum, 2015, 27:3717-3743.(SCI收录)

7.Tang Xi, Applications of n-Gorenstein projective and injective modules, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2015, 44:1435-1443. (SCI收录)

8.Tang Xi, Huang Zhao Yong, Homological aspects of the dual Auslander transpose, II, Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, 2017, 57:17-53. (SCI收录)

9.Tang Xi, Huang Zhao Yong, Homological aspects of the adjoint cotranspose, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2017, 150:293-311.(SCI收录)

10.Tang Xi, Huang Zhao Yong, Coreflexive modules and semidualizing modules with finite projective dimension, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2017, 21: 1283-1324. (SCI收录)

11.Tang Xi, Huang Zhao Yong, Homological invariants related to semidualizing bimodules, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2019, 156:135-151.(SCI收录)

12.Tang Xi, Huang Zhao Yong, Two filtration results for modules with applications to the Auslander condition, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2019, 158:157-181.(SCI收录)

13.Tang Xi, Huang Zhao Yong, Cograde conditions and cotorsion pairs, Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2020, 56:445-502.(SCI收录)

14.Tang Xi, Huang Zhao Yong, Higher differential objects in additive categories, Journal of Algebra, 2020, 549:128-164.(SCI收录)

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